Fire & Security Company Website Design
If your Fire & Security website looks pretty BUT fails to get you work...
...99% of the time it's because there's one critical element missing
A vital component that 90% of web designers AND copywriters you meet will ignore...
Because they just don't know how to develop your Message That Matters... make your website become your 24/7 silent salesperson
Is your website in tandem with your company’s message?
137 sites across the UK – that is ROI my friends, thank you…
…a new client was gushing over our website. Professional but full of character…
When your Message That Matters is spot on, YOUR website gets results…
£1m School Contract
£1m school contract from a single website enquiry
£500k Sales Pipeline
£500k sales pipeline in first year… from scratch
1000 Systems
ARC contract for 1000 systems from a Google Ad
Your Message That Matters must focus on the WHY not the WHAT...
Nearly all Fire & Security websites focus on what you do... BIG MISTAKE...
For 2 simple reasons:
- everyone installs the same kit - CCTV, Fire protection & Intruder...
- everyone earns the same (or equivalent) accreditations...
So how can your visitors choose between your company and the competitor down the road?
They can't.
You're leaving your website's visitors to guess...
Instead, you need to show WHY you're the right choice!
And that's the vital component 90% of web designers AND copywriters miss...
Does your website actually generate leads?
It’s the first website that I haven’t had to write myself…
…and 2 weeks after launch, it generated the first new lead… for a first job worth in excess of £5k!
And within the first month, a second lead for a fire alarm system and emergency lighting…
Two years in, our online marketing had resulted in jobs valued at over £100k…
That’s when your website begins to work hard for your business…
When your website focuses on WHY YOU…
Three things happen:
You attract the best customers, who value a system that does everything you said it would. AND… value the servicing required to keep it working.
You repel nuisance customers, who only want the cheapest price.
You inform the customers who don’t understand the issues a CHEAP QUOTE brings.
And long term business relationships flourish!
You earn business partnerships while avoiding the race to the bottom...
Customer A wants a quality system |
Customer B wants the cheapest price |
Wants a system to do the job | Doesn't understand it is cheap for a reason |
Understands maintenance is critical | Won't pay for maintenance |
Values your expertise | Expects you to drop everything when something goes wrong |
Values reliability, hates disruption | Happy with a one-man band 50 miles away |
Happy to upgrade when required | Likes cheap equipment on the internet |

ALTERNATIVELY, you could say the same as everyone else…
- We pride ourselves on our customer service
- We cover all your Fire & Security needs
- Fire protection, Intruder, CCTV & Access Control
- Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance
- Accredited and approved to British Standards
- Get in touch if you need anything
“Armoury is growing and it’s largely thanks to Lollipop”
“Lollipop have been so helpful. Constantly supportive with updating us on how our leads are coming in and how we are performing.
Armoury is growing and it is largely thanks to Lollipop.
The new website looks fantastic too!”
How Lollipop builds Fire & Security company websites that work for your business…
Cutting out the guesswork, emptying your head…
We have a cunning plan. Honed over 10 years. Marketing in the Fire & Security industry..
First, we work with you IN DEPTH. To learn what makes your Fire & Security company SPECIAL. The WHY YOU (rather than the other installers down the road)
This initial work informs and develops your Message That Matters. And crucially, makes you stand out in such a crowded market. Your Message That Matters describes what you do and what makes you special. AND why the right people should choose you over inferior competitors. Succinctly and accurately.
Turning what makes you special into copy that converts
Without this messaging to work from, it doesn’t matter who writes your copy. It won’t convert well, because you’re the same as all the other Fire & Security companies… as far as a home or business owner is concerned.
So, all your copy is focused on converting your readers! All of it. Then, working within the limits of the WordPress Theme, our designer and web dev crafts your copy into a beautiful website… without losing the impact of your messaging.
Keeping Google happy
All of this careful development… while keeping Google happy. And, right now, that means a FAST website. Your site will be optimised for Core Vitals – the latest Google algorithm update.
Fire & Security website design and copy combine…
Each of your website pages is built with the design and copy combining to do three things:
- firstly grab the attention of your visitor
- draw him/her down the page by building interest and desire
- encourage and compel him/her to take the next step
That next step may be to go to another page for more info or to contact you. Or even to download something. Whatever is appropriate.
Fire & Security Website design that works for buyers & researchers…
Each page is designed and written to make it effortless for someone who is ready to buy to get in touch. And for someone who is researching before buying to get the info he/she needs… Quickly and easily.
We layer in proof. Testimonials, your track record and more. Overcome objections and worries your readers may have. And show your reader, in simple terms, why he/she should choose YOUR Fire & Security company over your competitors.
Your website visitors will never have to guess again
Each section down the page builds on the last to paint a vivid picture of why YOUR COMPANY is unique. And the right guys for the job.
So your readers are never left guessing. You show them, exactly WHY you’re the right choice.
Fill out the form to tell Lollipop what you want your website to do for your Fire & Security company.
Fire & Security company websites that work...
At Lollipop, we use a proven process to develop your Message That Matters
Honed, tweaked and improved since 2010 it's the process we've used to...
Generate leads and sales worth millions of pounds!
This was a refreshing change for Mike Lynch at Executive Partnership Group. He said:
"I was fed up with going to copywriters and graphic designers who didn't know what I wanted. But this is what you do. You KNOW what you are going to do. There is a plan and a structure..."
This was echoed by Matthew Williams of Ocean Fire & Security who said:
It's the first website I HAVEN'T HAD TO WRITE MYSELF!
With a Lollipop Fire & Security website, everything is firmly focused on attracting the right website visitors. And converting them into quality leads and customers.
That's what your Message That Matters does for your company
“Best Website he has seen”
“A Public Sector Bid Consultant told me… ours is one of the best websites he has seen.
He said he can easily see how it would entice people to move away from the big players and give us a go!
I think that is quite an accolade… and it generated 5 enquiries in 5 weeks after launching!
A "foot in the door" enquiry led to a £1m job

Learn about Fire & Security Marketing


Does your website designer have a plan and a proven track record?
I was fed up with going to copywriters and graphic designers who didn’t know what I wanted. But this is what you do. You KNOW what you are going to do. There is a plan and a structure…